Gatwick Passenger App
We created a beacon-enabled companion app to help Gatwick passengers navigate their airport journey all the way from booking to boarding. Users get live updates on their flights, plus they can see personalised offers, order food, book parking and more.
Product Strategy
UX Mapping & Perona development
UI design
App development
UX Mapping & Perona development
UI design
App development
UX/UI designers
Project manager
Technologies advisors
App developers
Project manager
Technologies advisors
App developers
Mobile app of the year
Innovation of the year
Innovation of the year

We developed the ultimate airport companion app, which serves time and location dependent updates as the user moves around the airport. This allows Gatwick to keep customers up to date; deliver exclusive offers; sell parking and upgrades; and gather valuable information about their consumers.
We used the following disciplines:
User Journeys
Mobile & Tablet Design
App Development
User Journeys
Mobile & Tablet Design
App Development

The Results
Direct communication with 1/4 million consumers
Increased sales and offers redemption by 60% by serving offers at the most relevant time
Data from 1m+ sessions with which to improve their service offering
Why we’re proud
Not only have we made life easier for millions of passengers, we've also won two awards for this app. Plus the app remained robust throughout the Gatwick drone incident: there was a 500% spike in users but zero app issues in this time